Thursday, May 8, 2008

HOSTEL - the EDUCATION centre..

i just heard from one aunty that kids gets into bad habits if they stay in HOSTEL..
so untrue..
infact i must say kids learn a lot by living in a hostel...
as i myself stayed in hostel for 4 years i will pen down things that are comman in hostel and what kids learn from it....

--> u miss ur family and home ( family love)
--> sometimes one get really bad food in canteen, but still you will have to eat as thers no other option (survive in any damn condition)
--> you will get students from all part of INDIA. infact HOSTEL itself can be termed as a country (brotherhood)
--> u will find guys talking to their girl friends late at night sitting at stairs (communication skills)
--> you can feel fresh without taking bath for 2-3 days (water management)
--> on excited days we used to leave our room partners alone with some cds and a computer (co-operation)
--> we used to discuss about every damn thing sitting in a room...from movies to bitchy gals..(power of speech)
--> every single guys suffers from financial crisis and somehow he manges to get aid ( from friends or by lying at home) (stand up from economic trouble)
--> the guys who has been to ladies hostel are considered as lucky chap (pride)
--> tournaments (cricket or football) are considered as war (sportsman spirit)
--> no one sleeps before 2 am (to utilize every single sec of life)
--> many skips first few lectures (how to work without affecting your health (sleep))
--> exam time no one sleeps (work pressure)
--> many fails or gets ATKTs ( failures in life)
--> next time clears 7-8 papers together ( sucess)
--> new girl friends or heart breaks are celebrated with beers (be happy no matter what)
--> many many many sex tips and sex talks by experienced gurus (sex education)

leaving gender all other things are same in girl hostels..
so tell me whats wrong in hostels??????


PJ said...

i guess the only bad thing abt hostels is the food served there ....i've never been in one but thats wat i've heard frm my friends.One of my friend had even found a cockroach in her lunch one kiddin!
hostel life seems all fun but staying away from family is perhaps the hardest thing.

Anonymous said...

So in other words you are learning survival skills? I would not know about this, I was homeschooled... I went to a public school for like a total of pulled me back out.. so this college experience is something for me...

I am just now really learning social skills.. that you have already had for along time... Sharing is my problem! :X

I have never really had to share anything... Social skills now.. GREAT!!! I think I am the life of all parties! LOL!!!!!

You gave good answers in this!!!

but ummmmm Girls dont get over guys with beers.. we cry until our eyes can no longer open! then we are ready to beat some ass! LOL!!! then we move on! I think I am a mean ass after that statement!!!!


broca's area said...

hm....interesting...many of my hostel mates tell the same things as u indirectly u are getting moulded to face the real world!!!???..:)

Sweetstickychewy said...
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Sweetstickychewy said...

***--> you can feel fresh without taking bath for 2-3 days

Feel fresh without a bath for 2-3 days? How can that ever feel fresh? lol..

Hostel life sounds like an experience in a lifetime to hold close by. Cause when we grow older, those moments will be one of the greatest journey we took once upon a time. Something to talk, smile and laugh about. Fun youthful times to be grasp & lived out loud!;D

Sameera Ansari said...

Ha ha!

Those were some cool facts.And knowing from experience of my college mates,I know most of them are true :)

Gunjan Aylawadi said...

i hate having missed out on hostel life :(
i wanted to learn all that:(

Macadamia The Nut said...

LOL! Well, thats one way of looking at it. :D
SO true though!

Sachin Sawant said...

Lol....... very true........and moreover playing computer game day in day out(no one to shout)......... :P

Keshi said...

I really dunno...cos I've never been in a hostel.

But I do believe that u miss out on few luxuries of life when ur in a hostel. Luxries such as familu bonding time, good food and freedom.


Keshi said...

**FAMILY bonding

Phoenix speaks.... said...

That was really entertaining!! I've never lived in a hostel.. but I really wasnt to someday..And your post just made that feeling more intense.. :P

Occasional Brilliance said...

three words...

Nirmal said...

yup even we got cockroaches..but really at rare occasions..
and very true bout family..

Nirmal said...

ha ha ...tat was a good one..
private schools ..i dont even any of my friends did tat...not that comman here..
hey nothing mean in that...
gals dont have beer?????

Nirmal said...

all comman problems buddy...

Nirmal said...

bbelieve me no bath 4 2-3 days are like normal life in hostels...lolsss
those are moments i will cherish all thruout my life...

Nirmal said...

very true indeed...lolsss

Nirmal said...

ha ha do u really want to learn......
i know u will agree with the bath thing...lolsss

Nirmal said...

thanks 4 understanding that hostel life are multi dimensional..lolsss

Nirmal said...

oops how cud i forget...playing games like age of empires ec on lan..
thanks 4 reminding...

Nirmal said...

believe me there lots of friends and freedom in hostel...and with many friends we r like a family...
bout food..ya the scene is pathetic...lolsss

Nirmal said...

do that and u will cherish those moments all thru ur life...

Nirmal said...

take it fourth..

Rià said...

Every experience in life can b taken in a +ve or a -ve way!!but wht ppl do sumtimes is, they classify certain experiences as jus +ve or -ve!!which is jus not so right....u hav mentioned such beautiful points...but yes one thing tht helps immensely if sum1 is in hostel is self restraint!! :)

Nirmal said...

of course its like a small society...every one needs to mingle.....everythinh in life is +ive..its evry persons perpective how he/she takes it..

Satanic Angel said...

* u will find guys talking to their girl friends late at night sitting at stairs (communication skills)
LOL :p
**Not takin bath for 2-3 days - u neednt be in a hostel (not) to do tat :p

MAN i wish i get to stay in a hostel some day or even alone!! brrrrr.

Satanic Angel said...

wats wit the time this thing shows..where are u..Zululand? :p

Solitaire said...

The cooperation training bit...what are you talking about? Is it the same thing that I am thinking?????

Anonymous said...

oh yeah I love beer, but it takes more than beer for me to get over a man.. it takes a lot of sleepless nights!! and a lot of tears that drop!!

Then I am fine again!!!LOL!

Sweetstickychewy said...

***bbelieve me no bath 4 2-3 days are like normal life in hostels...lolsss

Is that on purpose? not taking a bath? or is it a technical problem?

My mates here don't go through that man..Not taking a bath in hostel

Cheers! Have a good weekend!;D

Unknown said...

I Love this post!
It is so right! I'm currently living in a hostel, and it Does teach a person a lot!

It just goes on to show that the best kind of development that a person can go through is self-induced. Nobody else can teach you as better than yourself, because nobody knows you as well as yourself. :)

Parents should trust their children more.
Why don't they realise that even if the child makes a mistake, he/she is capable of rectify it and learn from it?
Why don't they understand that children can handle responsibility, given a chance?

Anonymous said...

Why do these 'aunties' think that everything they think or say is right??
And why are you listening to these stupid aunties anyways lol!!

Nirmal said...

ha ha great to know that some people dont have a bath back home too....lolsss
i dint get it bout the time..btw the name is sexy..zululand....

Nirmal said...

i have putten the self explaining statement ther...
i guess all shud think the same as i m..

Nirmal said...

he he tats great...but sleepless nite..tats bad..
coz beautifull gals shud sleep a alot..lolssss

Nirmal said...

he he tats great...but sleepless nite..tats bad..
coz beautifull gals shud sleep a alot..lolssss

Nirmal said...

they take bath everyday...they are missing something in life gal...lolssss
same 2 u 2..

Nirmal said...

same view bro....hostel life is a must in every students life..

Nirmal said...

he he ya some aunties think the same..
and y i listen..tats coz some aunties have beautiful i have to listen..lolss

Emaan said...

nothing at all.. my mommy too stayed ina hostel for a couple of years and says those were the best days she had..
to each his own i guess...

Emaan said...

nothing at all.. my mommy too stayed ina hostel for a couple of years and says those were the best days she had..
to each his own i guess...

ceedy said...

my first time here....

nice post...yes living on your own can change you and alter the way you behave and think.....its not all bad...

Nirmal said...

all will cherish those moments...
thanks 4 cuming..

very true...thanks 4 cuming..

Sweetstickychewy said...
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Sweetstickychewy said...

:O oh my goodness Nirmal! What are they missing besides smelly armpits and the totally opposite fragrance of the best Hugo boss perfume in town! I can't imagine..!!

*pukes uncontrollable..:P hehehehe.

Juz teasing..:P

Cheeries buddy! Have good weekend aites! ;D

Keshi said...

lolz @pathetic.


Nirmal said...

ha ha hugo boss fragnace cool...and thanks to various deos no one ever knew our bath timetable ..lolsss



Unknown said...

Sometimes I just land up here to hear Sweet Child Of Mine!

*goes crazy over that Awesome Guitar Solo by Slash*

That, my friend, is Music.

Nirmal said...

true man....great band..
and i luv godfather theme by slash....

Sweetstickychewy said...

lol..Yes Thank God for Deos Nirmal.

Hail Those DEOS!! Lol..


Nirmal said...

he he very true amy..lolss

AG said...


i so badly wana go to hostel
i guess one more year n i am surely off
looks like u had a gala time :D


Nirmal said...

yup hostel life is fun...u will cum to know bout it..

Nitin said...

Good one dude...totally agree with u its the real education teaches u more in 4-5 years what u have learned in so many Yrs..its the right place where u see diversity of our culture..come across with all type of culture.. An update for those who had never came across weekend bather...smell what he completley different ... a complex mix of sweat and deodrant....nothing less than chloroform ....
Those who says hostel spoils.... had never celebrated B'day at 12 O clock in the night with those bumps..( when bday boy really run to save his ass) ..... Never took tea sip at 3 o clock the night before sessional discussing something crap... Had never listened those dinning table jokes...

Nirmal said...

very true bro...

Nits said...

so true man...

from ur above points...

hostels are breeding grounds for future leaders(lolzzz)!!!

this comes from a day scholar like me!!!

Satanic Angel said...

I meant the time that comes at the bottom of every comment..

Satanic Angel said...

oh yu changed the settings?:p now it's working fine..IST :p

Nirmal said...


yup u made my post short and right on leaders...

thanks 4 cuming..


yes i changed the settings...came 2 know very late..lolsss


Anonymous said...

hey nirmal
nice post..
thnx for visiting my blog
ive just started writing


Cяystal said...

Hey dude,

it always makes people have shivers down their spine..the basic and most imp reason being that you've got to leave yr family n friends..:)

and some kinda sex edu..
ahem..yeah sometimes that can be ab advantage or maybe ends up making you a 'phile..:P blog


Anonymous said...

"--> you can feel fresh without taking bath for 2-3 days (water management)"

i found that one to be brilliant! lol

Anonymous said...

man i have experienced this.. very well said

Nirmal said...

ha ha u will get friends ther too...but family ya tats true....

thanks ya..

lol thanks,...

u wher in hosteltoo....tats great..

Shalini Gowrisankar said...

lol.. ya, I have been staying in the hostel for the last one semester and i certainly agree with you..So much to learn from hostel life and people around.